I am thrilled and honoured to have been selected to become Tableau Software Ambassador

I am thrilled and honoured to have been selected to become Tableau Software Ambassador amongst such incredible community leaders.

I would like to thank all those who nominated me and of course my #datapluswomen co-leaders Olivia Sliz, Gabriela Bouret and Elnisa Mara Marques for their amazing work. It is OUR celebration because I couldn't do it without you.

This nomination is also a personal victory, as I tried to transform my past struggles into a success. After I moved to Zürich 7 years ago, I couldn't find a job as a Data Analyst, until a fantastic person gave me the chance to have an interview. They were searching a data analyst that could learn Tableau Software. The instructions were quite simple : 1- download Tableau 2-analyse this dataset. I still remember the first impressions I had using Tableau, the speed and flexibility which I fell instantaneously in love with.

After 7 years, I am now Tableau Certified Professional and Tableau Ambassador. Thank you Laure Fouilloux! Your faith in me changed my life. Not only because you offered me my first job in Switzerland, but because I found a new passion in #visualanalytics, a mixed discipline between Maths and Art and I have been trying with my blog, public profile and now these #datapluswomen initiatives to give back to the community, where I belong.

Link to the nomination page in tableau :