My 2020 resolution resolve my 2019 unfinished dashboard. This dashboard is one out of 3, that I started in 2019 and couldn’t finish either by boredom or distraction.
that probably none have noticed is that the vast majority of my dashboard
published in Tableau Public are dedicated to animals, my visuals are always a
pretext to bring awareness to animal causes. So, this provocative title and
study is in reality a façade... but I do not want to spoil the ending.
This viz is
not very long comparing to other works I have done, but the complexity was to
give sense to the data. I add an additional worksheet to display the
information (second workboork in the viz called “I want more”).
Try to guess which animal is the most dangerous!
I tried to
add some fun into this dashboard, by using interactivity but also on this
guessing part. Here I wanted that the reader could try to guess which animal
was the most dangerous.
To do it
you have to use one of my best new features : set action!
- In row : I add two measures ATTR(1) e ATTR(0) in dual axis. ATTR(1) displays the drawing of the animal and ATTR(0) is used to display the user selección (here on the screenshot, the round appear full and red because it was selected by the user).
First you
need to create a set using the animal name, I called mine “suspect animal”
Then you
add into color in ATTR(0) a calculated field, which will display a different
color if the animal is IN our OUT the set.
if [suspect animal] then "red" END (another method consist to
add the set directly into color).
emphasize the selection I decided to also change the mark full round for a
selected animal and just a circle for the other animals.
Of course
you have to add a set action into the dashboard : action/change set value
Display the answer :

This viz consists on two measures one
used to display the evolution (blue lines) and the other for the animal faces.
In column: the
field [Year]
In rows:
- I added [short name animal] to have three subdivisions ( cow – hornet – dog).
- I calculated then the total number of deaths by animal { FIXED [short name animal]: SUM([Deaths by year])}, so I can display it near the animal face
- Then I added the measures SUM([Deaths by year]) twice, one in line and the other one using the animal field into marks.
- To avoid that the animal faces are displayed for every year, I added the function index() into detail on the second measures sum(deaths by year) and I have hidden the mark, which index value is higher than one.
The Data
As I explained at
the beginning of the viz, the main challenge of this viz was to make sense to
the data, that is why I explained my process and the data discrepancies into a
second viz. I usually do that at work for methodology but I started to do that
since some months now in my Tableau Public vizzes.
The dashboard can be found by click on the link : here
Interactive version :
I hope you enjoy it!!