Why I am participating to the Tableau Ironviz competition

The reasons why I should NOT participate :

Since several editions, I am participating to the IronViz without any real hope of winning. Of course I am always flattered to be amongst the top (once 5th on a worldwide feeder, once 4th or 9th in the european), but winning my place for a final seems irrealistic. "My contenders are so good and so creative! "Moreover, I don't think that I will be very confident to compete on stage for the final. Plus I will have to work during the Tableau Conference instead of enjoying it... not worthy!

Why I do it, anyway :

But I continue participating because it helps me to grow. It always push my limits and I ended up doing things I would have never imagined that I am capable of.
I am my own stakeholder, I am totally free to do whatever I like and I feel proud at the end of my final product. Of course, I will not say that sometimes I am not disappointed, when my viz is not well received or appreciated. But I had fun and learnt about myself and at the end it is all that matters.  I am myself and it feels so good.

What I have done this time :

The European IronViz 2019 is about Energy and Sustainability. When I first heard about this topic, I thought "Oh no, it is a boring subject.. it looks like work".  I am working around 50h a week, so if I pass my evenings and weekends working on a project, I need to have fun!

The idea this time is to approach the subject through the perspective of a bird. How Jimmy ( the bird's name) sees our polluted world and how dangerous it is for him to fly with the deadly Wind Turbines he can encounter in his path.
link to the viz

I wanted to insist on our polluted air, and I had the idea to create a viz showing more clouds when the air is highly polluted.

when you hover on a country, the tooltip appears and shows a cloudy polluted sky

To do it you have to transform the data to have it denser. More polluted is the air and more clouds you need to have in the viz.

so I joined my air pollution datasource with a multiplicator worksheet ( each row has only one column id going from 1 to 150) and then reduced the rows obtained ( with a calculated field comparing the id with a multiplicator factor) so I obtain a lot of rows for the country with an higher pollution.
On the following example I will show how it works in details.

I wanted to visualize for each species what was his risk to collide into the wind turbines, and I wanted to have this impression of density for the heights, where the bird is more likely to fly. So it seems that there are a lot of bird flying in certain areas and very few in the heights where the bird is not used to fly.

But it was also important for me to have the summary per zone in the tooltip with the picture of the bird.

The data at my disposal ( after some cleaning) was a row for each meter between 1m and 300m giving for each specie the probability of encounter the bird.

I then pivoted the fields so I have a column for the bird name and created the field "1" to be able to join it with the multiplication Excel sheet.

The multiplication excel sheet has two columns and id column going from 1 to 150 and a "1" field with only ones.

I then filtered out some rows by keeping only the rows that match the criteria :
so I am sure to keep at least one point when the bird have a not null chance to be at a certain altitude.

At the end I have a data source that I can use in Tableau, with denser data :

To build the viz, drag bird name and a random() calculation in columns and v2 ( height flight) in rows
id has to be in detail, because it is the field that dense the data.

As a conclusion, I cannot resist including a painting my father did to when he heard about my project.

Hope you enjoy it !